Dance Loft on 14 Combines Performing Arts Facility with Affordable Housing in DC


Dance Loft on 14 has partnered with Heleos to create a new home for the performing arts nonprofit within an existing 124,000-square-foot mixed-use building in DC’s Ward 4 that will include an affordable housing component (pending Zoning Commission approval on May 5).

The space will encompass 101 residential units, of which approximately 67 residential units will be reserved for affordable housing (persons at 60% or less of the median family income) and the remaining units will be leased at the market rate.

The building will include 19,000 square feet of permanent studio space with two theaters and four dance studios.

Heleos is also targeting zero energy performance through LEED-certified design that incorporates on-site and off-site solar panels, a green roof, enhanced water reuse and stormwater management

The acquisition of the site and the pre-development planning costs are supported by Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the DC Commission on Arts and Humanities, CityFirst Enterprises and other entities.

View the full article online at Washington DC CRE.

Chris VanArsdale