Heleos and Urban Green Team Up on Proposal for Net-Zero Space for the Arts and the Artists

Net-Zero Space for the Arts and the Artists

Urban Green, LLC and Heleos, LLC have teamed up for this arts-focused development proposal. Both school buildings would be retrofit with 50 studio-three bedroom units for artists, affordable at the 30% and 50% AMI levels. The third story in both buildings would be used for a total of almost 8,000 square feet of artist studio space. An infill building would house space for Dance Loft on 14 and a 150-seat theater, and would also have rooftop event space and a café with outdoor seating. The development would also incorporate a virtual museum and would be built to net-zero specifications. The development would require a PUD and rezoning to MU-4 (moderate-density mixed-use). Quinn Evans and Emotive Architecture are the designers.

View the full article at DC UrbanTurf.

Chris VanArsdale